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Settling the Age-Old Fry Debate

Weā€™re at it again. Grubhub here, just stirring the pot by boldly stating one food is better than another. What are we throwinā€™ down about now, you ask? Oh, just this little-known, crispy, totally dippable guy called a FRY. Sure, weā€™ve touched on which sauce is better to dip your fries inā€¦ but not about […]

Food Debate: What Sauce Do You Dip Your Fries In?

The #1 food sidekickā€“french friesā€“go well with pretty much…everything. Hamburger? Oh yeah. Fried chicken sandwich? Without a doubt. Lobster roll? But, of course. But when it comes to dipping your fries…things get pretty personal. In our recent poll, we asked if you dip your fries in: ketchup, mayo, mustard or (gasps) nothing? Ketchup was the […]

What’s Your Ideal Study Snack?

The 6 Most Dunkable Foods Ever

Weā€™ll be the first to admit we know more about meatballs than basketballs. Thatā€™s why instead of talking about people playing dirty or teams going ā€œback to backā€, weā€™re going to bypass the drama and cut to the chase. After much speculation, here are the six most dunkable foods on Grubhub.