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Twitter Poll Shows That A Calzone Is Not A Pizza Taco

We took to Twitter to ask an extremely serious question about calzones. Are they pizza tacos… or not? We asked, you answered. The results are in. Scroll down to learn where we landed.

It was just another Wednesday when the gauntlet was thrown…

While we expected a simple yes, no, or maybe, Twitter had other ideas.

One user went for it and called in the big guns to help determine the fate of the calzone…

Some people just pledged their allegiance to calzones, which we aren’t mad about.

Others just said, no, no, and no

Some people got real technical.

But then there was one brilliant mind that trumped them all.

Our mind is blown.

A calzone is NOT a pizza taco. It is a pizza empanada.

Find a pizza empanada near you.

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