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Time to Go Green: Colorful Saint Patrick’s Day Eats

For the diehard Irish, corned beef and cabbage is probably on the menu–along with a side of potatoes, roasted carrots and even some brown (or soda) bread on the side. Or perhaps a hearty shepherd’s pie or crisp basket of fish and chips is in your future?

But, if these classics aren’t what you’re in the mood for, there are other ways to get in the St. Patty’s Day spirit–by wearing and eating green, of course. Feeling lucky? Try out one of our favorite green dishes from the list below.

It’s Almost Time for Finals: What Should You be Eating?

How to Ace College Midterms with Delivery

It feels like school just started yesterday, yet somehow midterms are right around the corner. Namaste…just remember: it means you’re that much closer to winter break. Whether you have been prepping since day one or like to leave studying until the last minute: don’t forget to fuel up on the good eats. And yes, we […]