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Top-Ordered Game Day Eats

It’s that time of year again. Are you ready for some football? We are. Well, more specifically, we’re pretty pumped about game day eats. We took a look at our data from last season to find out just what foods you guys are ordering on NFL game days. Here are the top five dishes ordered […]

The Top 5 Unexpected Foods of Fall

After slipping into a warm flannel, you thumb through the Grubhub app looking for classic fall dishes. Maybe you’ll start with a hearty butternut squash soup, dig into a chicken pot pie for your main course, and end with some apple pie for dessert. That’s so fall of you.

While these definitely made the cut for our top-ordered fall foods…there are some totally unexpected dishes that are ordered too. With the first day of fall starting tomorrow, take a look at these unconventional foods that trend for the season. Maybe you’ll jump on the bandwagon too.